Domain Name System (DNS) is used to perform translations, such as Domain names (like to IP addresses (like The main purpose of Domain Name System (DNS) is name resolution (changing domain names to IP addresses). Domain Name Systems come in to play because it is hard to remember the IP address of every website but it’s not that much difficult to remember Domain Names.
A DNS server is a computer that maintains a database of Domain names and their relative public IP addresses. DNS servers are the devices that make the translation (Domain Name to IP address).
By default, Most Devices uses the DNS server provided by your ISP, although you can configure the DNS server by yourself.
Here we are going to see how to change the default DNS server configuration in multiple platforms:

In Windows
- Go to Control Panel
- then go to Network and Internet
- then go to Network and Sharing Center
- Click Change Adapter Settings (in the left column)
- Select the network which you want to change DNS address.
- Right-click on the Network interface you selected and click Properties.
- Open the Networking Tab
- Then select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) from the list of connections and click Properties.
- In the popup window, select “Use the following DNS server addresses” radio box.
- Then Enter your DNS address (Preferred and Alternative DNS server).
- Before clicking we recommend to check “Validate settings upon exit” because it will automatically check if your configuration is right of wrong.
- Then click ok.

In Apple macOS
- Go to Apple Menu
- Select System Preference
- Select Network
- Select the network which you want to change DNS address.
- Click Advanced
- Select DNS tab
- Then click the plus(+) icon
- Now Enter your DNS address and Click OK, then Click apply.

UNIX or Linux devices
- Open terminal (shortcut = Ctrl + T) (Must be in root user)
- Run command “nano /etc/resolv.conf”
- wait until nano text editor opens resolv.conf file
- Then add your DNS servers using this format: nameserver <YOUR DNS SERVER address>
- For Example: nameserver
- Save your edit (ctrl + x), then press Y when it asks you to save the file.